Pre-Kindergarten Skills.
- Language Arts/Early Literacy .
- Understands and responds to simple oral directions.
- Talks and listens appropriately while in a group.
- Expresses ideas in complete sentences.
- Recognizes his/her name in print.
- Names six basic colors (red, blue, green, yellow, orange, brown).
- Identifies some printed alphabet letters.
- Prints and identifies letters in first name.
- Recognizes some sounds that rhyme.
- Demonstrates knowledge of print: left to right top to bottom.
- Arranges story cards in sequential order.
- Begins to dictate sentences, phrases, and words.
- Mathematics.
- Identifies basic geometric shapes (circle, triangle, square).
- Recognizes numerals (0,1,2,3,4,5).
- Matches numerals to quantities 0-5.
- Recognizes and reproduces simple patterns of concrete objects.
- Participates in simple graphing activities.
- Counts from 1-10 or higher.
- Puts together a 10-12 piece puzzle.
- Science.
- Exploration by manipulating materials with simple equipment.
- Demonstrates awareness of seasonal changes and weather conditions.
- Identifies animals and plants as living things.
- Social Skills.
- Separates from parents without undue stress.
- Demonstrates awareness of the five senses.
- Takes care of personal needs.
- Plays cooperatively/interacts with children without constant supervision.
- Understands and respects the property and rights of others.
- Knows and observes classroom rules/routines.
- Works on an activity for a reasonable length of time (10-15 minutes).
- Contributes to the classroom community and participates in classroom jobs.
- Participates in large and small group activities.
- Displays a positive attitude toward school.
- Gross Motor Skills.
- Bounces a large ball and catches it.
- Throws and catches a large ball with two hands.
- Climbs confidently on climbing apparatus.
- Moves easily from one space to another (e.g., running, jumping, hopping).
- Fine Motor Skills.
- Grasps small objects with thumb and forefinger.
- Manipulates scissors correctly.
- Practices self-help skills (buttoning, zipping).
- Fine Arts.
- Explores with a variety of art work (e.g., markers, clay, paint, water colors, crayons).
- Uses art as a form of self-expression.
- Music.
- Participates in classroom music activities.
- Responds to various music tempos through movement exploration.
- Dramatic Play.
- Creates or recreates stories and experiences.
- Engages in dramatic play with others.
Children learn best….
- Current research concludes that young children learn best:
- When they feel comfortable and secure..
- Through active manipulation of objects..
- When provided with experiences which involve the greatest number of senses..
- Through repeated and varied experiences..
- Those things which are important to them at the moment..
- When activities are carefully and developmentally sequenced..
- When they experience individualized instruction, rather than being required to move as a group from one learning objective to the next..
- When curriculum addresses all aspects of children's development..
- When their progress is systematically assessed, strengths are built on and weaknesses prescribed for..
- When their parents are significantly involved in the educational process..