Q: How do I copy Mac Stickies data from one mac to another?

1 min. readlast update: 02.12.2024

Q: How do I copy Mac Stickies data from one mac to another? Context. The Mac comes with an application called Stickies that allows users to create "sticky notes" that appear on their desktop. Behind the scenes are several data files where the information is stored.. If this information needs to be manually transferred to a new machine you can copy the related files.. Answer. ~ refers to the username for the login account. ~/Library/StickiesDatabase is the file where the actual note data is stored.. ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.Stickies.plist is just application preferences, no data.. ~/Library/Preferences/widget-com.apple.widget.stickies.plist contains data for the Dashboard Stickies widget, which is unrelated to Stickies.app.

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