My ID card is not working. How do I fix this issue?

1 min. readlast update: 02.12.2024

When you scan your card against one of our card readers, either at a door or printer/copier, does a green light appear on the card reader? YES: Your card is being read by our system but is not encoded properly or you do not have access to the entrance or device you are attempting to access. Please open a support ticket via email to with the last 5 digits of the number located in the upper-right corner of the backside of your employee identification card. Please also include the day, time, and entrance door or device you were attempting to access. YPS Information Technology will review your assigned permissions and encoded badge number and correct the issue or follow-up with additional information. NO: Your RFID chip embedded in your employee ID has been damaged. This can happen if the ID Card has been bent, left in a hot car, cracked, been exposed to the weather, been in contact with a magnet, or had a hole punched into any part of the card. You will need to request a replacement ID card. Please follow the steps located here: How do I replace my badge?

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