How Yukon Schools Decides to Cancel School Due to Inclement Weather?

2 min. readlast update: 02.12.2024

Winter Storms. When a storm is expected in our area overnight, bringing freezing rain, ice or snow, Yukon officials begin around 3 a.m. gathering information in order to make a decision about whether schools should be open or closed. We take several steps to determine if students will be able to arrive at school safely. First, streets are checked by Yukon’s Transportation & District Office staff by driving neighborhood streets, rural roads, and major thoroughfares in our city. They investigate bus stops and school parking lots. They check to see how difficult it will be to stop a bus or car on hills and slopes. In addition, temperatures and wind chills to be faced by children waiting for buses or walking to school must also be kept in mind. District officials use other forms of communications, such as news reports from local stations, phone calls from surrounding areas, and radar views, reports and forecasts via the Internet. As you know in Oklahoma, it is not always possible to accurately forecast the outcome of a storm or its exact location. A storm that is predicted to bring six inches of snow may leave just a trace. Streets and roads may be fine at 5 a.m., but snow or ice covered by 6 a.m. Please keep in mind that Oklahoma does not have the same level of snow/ice clearing road equipment as states more prone to snow/ice and that we have to take into account all areas of our District and not just cleared snow routes. Our primary goal is the safety of our students, staff, and community. We will go to extra measures to ensure the well-being of those involved with our school system To find out if schools are closed, watch local television news stations and check our district web site.. When school is canceled, the Superintendent’s goal is to notify the media by 6 a.m.. If a winter storm moves in during the afternoon or evening, the cancellation announcement may be on the 10 p.m. news broadcast.. We will also broadcast a message through the YPS Mobile App, the front page of our website at , Social Media, and SchoolMessenger which will be received via your designated phone number, either on your home phone or cell phone.. Please do not call the schools, Administration Office, or radio stations, as to keep these lines open..

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