How do I update or remove my number from receiving calls from Yukon Public Schools?

1 min. readlast update: 05.09.2024

If you are receiving calls from Yukon Public Schools and do not have a child in our school district, chances are someone provided an incorrect number during enrollment or you recently updated to a new phone/phone number and the parent/guardian that was previously assigned the number has not updated their information with their child(ren)'s school.

If you are a parent/guardian and need to update your child(ren)'s demographic or contact information, please call your child(ren)'s school directly or access the Yukon Parent Portal 's YRU (Year Round Update) feature.

If you do not have a child(ren) in our school district, you may send a request to remove/block your number from phone calls by our notification system by opening a support ticket with our IT Service Desk online by visiting or by calling the YPS IT Service Desk at (405) 265-1FIX to report the issue. Please ensure to provide the reason/issue that is occurring so we may correctly document the information in our system.

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