Google Voice Numbers for YPS Employees

1 min. readlast update: 02.28.2024

Teachers can sign-up for a Google Voice Number using their personal Gmail account (they can sign-up for one for free if they do not have one). They can try their account but typically it will try to make them pay and we don't want that and they can get it free with a personal email account. 

Step 1- Get a Google Voice Account

Go to to get your account. Make sure to use the blue SIGN IN button in the top right and again, be sure to use your personal Gmail account.

Step 2- Select Your Phone Number

Google will provide you a list of available phone numbers in your area. Choose one that you would like to use. Make sure to write it down.

Once you have selected your phone number, you will VERIFY the number you want to connect it to.

Step 3- Make Phone Calls via Web Browser

You can begin making calls immediately via your web browser. Once the call connects, you will be able to have conversations via your computer’s mic/headset.

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