Directory Information

3 min. readlast update: 02.12.2024

All parents and students are given notification of their rights under FERPA and opting out of the release of directory information during their initial enrollment with Yukon Public Schools and each year during returning student enrollment via the Student/Parent Handbook. General: The District shall make and keep such student records as are necessary and as are required by law, policy, or regulation. Notification of Rights: The District is subject to and complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Student records, including course grades of students, will be maintained confidentially as required by law. Within the first three weeks after the start of classes each school year, the District shall cause a Notification of FERPA Rights to be published in selected area newspapers. In addition, the District shall provide a Notification of FERPA Rights to each student or parent/guardian of a student by placement in the student handbook(s). The District reserves the right to disclose Directory Information as set forth in the Notification of FERPA Rights. The Board hereby designates the following information to be directory information: The student’s name. The student’s class designation (i.e., first grade, tenth grade, etc.);. The District will disclose any of the above items electronically or otherwise without prior parental consent, unless notified in writing within ten (10) days from the date of student enrollment that any or all of the above information should not be released without consent. Requests for Disclosure: Any person requesting to inspect or obtain copies of student records shall submit a written request for disclosure to the superintendent or the superintendent’s designee as specified in Administrative Regulations. Student records shall not be released absent consent of the parent, guardian, or eligible student except in accordance with the provisions of FERPA and state law. To accrediting organizations to carry out their accrediting functions. [(§99.31(a)]. To parents of an eligible student if the student is a dependent for IRS tax purposes. [(§99.31(a)(8)]. To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena. [(§99.31(a)(9)]. To appropriate officials in connection with a health or safety emergency subject to §99.36. [(§99.31(a)(10)]. Information the school has designated as “directory information” under §99.37. [(§99.31(a)(11)]. Records of Requests for Disclosure: The District shall maintain an accurate record of all requests for the disclosure of information, requests to permit access to a student’s educational records, and a record of any information disclosed or access granted. Such record shall not be maintained as a part of each student’s school records, but shall be maintained by the records custodian. Such record shall contain the name of the person or agency making a request, the date of the request, the interest of the person or agency requesting the information, whether the request was granted, and the date access was permitted or disclosure was made. Records of requests for information will not include requests by parents or the student, requests by school officials or others with a legitimate educational interest, requests accompanied by the prior written consent of a parent or eligible student, or any requests for directory information. Procedures to Amend Records: The hearing procedures to be used when a parent or eligible student requests a hearing to amend a student’s record shall be set forth in Administrative Regulations. Fees for Copies: The District may charge fees, as set forth in the District Policy GBA and/or any applicable Administrative Regulations for all copies made pursuant to a request for student records, plus the actual cost of mailing any copies made.

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