How do I reprint/generate a student's Badge?

1 min. readlast update: 02.12.2024

How do I reprint/regenerate a student’s Badge? Log in to the Clever Portal and click the “Students” tab next to your name. Click on the student who needs their Badge regenerated. Click "Print Clever Badge". The student's Badge will be downloaded to your computer, which you can print and give to the student. Note: this will reprint the student's existing Badge. If the student needs a new Badge entirely, please read the instructions below... How do I create a new Badge for my student? If a student loses their Clever Badge, you can help them by issuing a new Clever Badge for them! Log in to the Clever Portal and click the “Students” tab next to your name. Click on the student who needs their current Badge voided and a new one created. Click "Void Badge". Click "Create Badge". The student's Badge will be downloaded to your computer, which you can print and give to the student...

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